View Profile Hoodlum4hire

19 Movie Reviews

7 w/ Responses


Made me smile.
Nice job for you first, loved the spirit. You have alot of potential, try to draw it out by making the next one longer and more complex. Also try developing new ideas instead of using old gags^^. Practice makes perfect (gets shot). Good luck in future endeavors.


What happened?

Splurgle...it pains me to say so but, this was really bad. What happened? The animation in this was abhorrent! The previous installments were getting better and better and with this one it just collapsed in on itself! The blood was sub-standard and the character movement was all jittery and jerky. And the feet kept going backwards and forwards! And the action wasn't...you know...actiony! I'm glad you're redoing it but just pull yourself together man! Bring back the Splurgle we know and love! Oh, and I'm looking out for your side-project! ^^

-don't die on us!

Splurgle responds:

=] Thank you for caring so much and thank you for realizing what a train wreck this was. Don't worry, I hope to make the remade version a lot better.


It was fairly good, one gripe though. There was no climax, no bit that was any MORE interesting than the other bits. And then it just stopped. Apart from that it was good. Nice skater stick and great board, nice and simple GFX are what make this short good. Nice flash.


That was awsome ^ ^

Wow. I wish my first animation was as cool as that. I like the way he sort of glides along. Fantastic first try, keep 'em coming. Perhaps develop the physics of his movement a little more when hes jumping through the air and make the landscape just a little more smooth and fluid (the brush strokes). I feel strangely "happy" watching this animation, no not that kind of happy, the innocent kind. The music is also perfect for the animation. Good job.


xbutton responds:

thank you very much


Wow. That was a bit of a shock to be quite honest. I click on this thinking it would be 0-2 material, then I thought it could be alright but I didn't expect THAT. Very nice animating style, unique and interesting to watch. The animation improves as you watch so I figure you worked on this for a while. Nice body shots and fluid movement greatly adds to the appeal factor of this flash. The standard of "My first flash" seems to be getting higher which is good, mine is embarrassing compared to this. One tip, try to make you titles as unique and inventive as you animation style. Very nice job, I expect your next flash to be as good or better. I'll be watching you...

Definitely the best of the four so far...

Much much better. You're animation has improved ten-fold, good work. Only one few minor issue, the tweened blood in the slow-mo segment looked awful (soz><). And finally, he got hurt! Thats one of the things I find most irritating about most hack 'n' slash flashes, the go through 80 guys without taking a single hit. Nice work, looking forward to seeing more.


Splurgle responds:

The tweened blood was awful, I agree. But the reason behind it was that it was sort of complicated making an fbf slow-mo blood splatter. So I just decided to shape tween it. Thanks for the review!

Hmm..."the Glock group" eh?

I dunno. Its certainly an improvment on the others, I 'll give you that.
Now I'm not saying its bad, it isnt, but it isnt that great either.

Graphics, not too bad, that Bugs was a trace wasn't it? The carrot was good, kudos for the carrot. The face overlay I found bloody funny for some reason, mabye its because its 12 o'clock...or it could be your incredible talent, not sure which.
Sound...the music was alright in the first one and suited the shorty one. The voice clip in Wade was decent...But I have to say this...that clip at the menu drives me crazy, it really hurts my ears could you atleast think of stopping it from repeating itself, please?!?!?
Violence, they get shot, yeah.
Interactivity, n/a.
Style...I like shorts (short movie clips, not boxer shorts) and you dont do to bad a job at it in this flash, they're unique to say the least.
Humor. Well, the first part was good, the second part was old but still funny, the last one wasnt funny but was still not bad...The third one...was horrible...just really stupid, if it was that by itself it would be one the same level as Ribbachile, ... lucky it isn't.

Overall a lot better than the previous installments but could still use a fair amount of improvment. I have to say if I could, I'd give it a 4.5378 or something. A five out of ten. Good luck with future works.



Geez...thats scary. This literaly had me saying, "What kind of sick ****ers would take pleasure out of repeatedly stabbing a guy?" It was a relief that they were robots but still! ...
Anyway, the grafics were great, I liked that style and you really captured the pain and suffering in that guys face, frankly I wouldnt give them the satisfaction...oh yeah, they're robots... The music fit perfectly and yeah. But geez, that was freaky.


That is incredible! I love your animation style, its really amazing. And that music suits it perfectly. From the word go this gets 5/5. Good stuff, looking forward to more.

The pheasant has no agenda, DEAL WITH IT! And I have a dark aura 'cause I'm mysterious x.x

Age 33, Male


O.o - wat iz thiz s-chool?

A small egg in a drain

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